Tuesday, December 30, 2008


OK, it's over. The fake tree is in the box, the presents are worn out or broken (except for the one, Christy, you know the one). I was playing with the dog and his Christmas toy, and I was thinking about which of Santa's list he was on. And then I started analyzing the song and reflecting on Scott's pre-Christmas entry about the nature of the jolly old elf. And so we begin: He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. Why is this info necessary for Santa to have? Why is he watching us sleep? He knows when we are awake, but he actually sees us sleep. Ok, moving on. He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice. What is he doing with these lists? Selling them to telemarketers I guess. Especially the naughty list. This is how the credit card companies know where to send all those pre-approved offers, how do you think you got pre-approved? I cry and pout every year, maybe that's why Santa never comes around my place.

I have to say good riddance to 2008. Not the best year of my life. By far not the worst, but for sure not the best. Obama got elected and everyone is putting very high expectations on him. Sean Hannity is hoping that he will do well for the sake of the country, but will try to undermine him by any and all means necessary to discredit our commander-in-chief. Prop 8 passed, and civil rights took a huge step back.

We remember Michael Phelps' domination at the summer Olympics, and the incredible play of Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor in what is arguably the most fun Olympic event to watch. Welcome to Rachel Maddow. I would like to bid farewell to Joe the plumber, Ted Stevens, the “b” girl, OJ, Dick Cheney, and hopefully, Sarah Palin, “You Betcha.”

We always get the lists of the celebrities that have passed during the last year, here is my list of those who touched my world, and who I think made the world a better place while they were here:

Bernie Mac, loved him in Ocean’s 11

Paul Newman, knew how to use his celebrity to make life better for others

Heath Ledger, just getting started

Sydney Pollack, knew how to entertain

Tim Russert, truly fair and balanced

George Carlin, I wonder if he was surprised by what is on the other side

Tony Snow, family man

Estelle Getty, made me laugh

Gordon B Hinckley, everyone’s grandpa

Christy is starting off 2009 with the same ailment she started off 2007 with, she has again lost the use of her right arm. It has been frustrating as doctors can’t figure out what is wrong, so they dismiss her, or pawn her off to someone else, and mark it up as mental illness or that she is faking it. This is very frustrating to us as it causes a great burden on our lives, both financially and emotionally. She was prescribed something that gave her temporary, limited use of her arm, but put her body in great pain. The medical profession is somewhat of a joke to me. If you have and ailment, they just want to give you a chemical to put in your body and send you on your way. Doctors seem not to be interested in the core problem, but just getting you out of there office and sending the bill to the insurance. Maybe the healthcare reform of the next administration can help with that.
I start off the new year enthusiastic. We as a family are beaten down, but not dead. I hope for good things. I hope that social security kicks it soon enough to save our house. I hope that Kyler gets the help and understanding he needs to be successful in school and in life. I hope that I can spend more time helping around the house and taking a bit of that burden off Christy. I hope that I can make a good impression on those that hold my future in their hands. I hope that as a nation, we come together and support the new administration, and give him a little time to make thing better for all of us. I hope that this nation has not been destroyed by greed. I hope that Iraq can find peace. I hope that I can spend more time in the outdoors, with my kids in tow. I hope Megan learns how to play her new guitar. I hope that Aubree does not stop caring about others as she learns how much it hurts when they do not give back the same amount of caring. I hope that Jake continues to love the game of football as he moves up to tackle. I hope that Christy does not give up hope. I hope that people continue to blog about their lives, and that they don't hold back. I hope that everyone who takes the time to read this is a little entertained or enlightened and does not feel that this blog is a waste of their time to read. I hope that my ramblings give you chuckle or just a little insight into our lives. I hope that you will take the time to comment of the posts that you like, or dislike, or don't agree with, I love the feedback. I hope you all have a very productive and happy new year.


Hansens said...

I hope that Dan knows how right on he is and that it makes me cry when he puts on these GREAT posts!

Shansen said...

Amen!!! love mom

luv2cruise said...

Hang in there Dan and Christy! I think 2009 will be a better year for all of us!

Sherrie (from the Splendor cruise)

Anonymous said...

Gee Dan, you made me cry. Thanks !!! I enjoy your blog a lot. All I can say is that 2009 will be better, I can feel it. Continue to hang on to hope, it's what gets me through life.

Happy New Year and here's to a HOPEFUL 2009.


The Turkuman said...


Wow! What a post. You get the Prop 8 thing. I must say bravo. You don't have to agree with the lifestyle to understand the right to live it.

As for Obama, well, I believe in destiny. I believe in divine provenance. I believe this is the right man in the right time to do the right thing.

As for Christy, she is in our thoughts.

As for 2009, we don't have anywhere to go but up.