Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hello!!.... Old Man Winter

Today is the election of the century it seems. This has been an election of historic proportions. We have had a Mormon, a woman, and an African American in this election. Even more historic is that it is looking like Barrack Obama, who happens to be African American, is going to be the president elect. It is not all said and done and it may not happen this way, but no matter what happens, we can say that we have been present through this most historic event. I for one hope that everyone has done their duty and voted. I used to not care and wouldn't even register to vote until Dan repeatedly said to me, "If you don't vote, you don't complain". He said that I had to do my part and be informed or I really didn't have any place to say anything about it. Once again, he was right. I HATE THAT ! We will have a new leader by tomorrow morning and I hope you have all participated. OK, I am now stepping off my soapbox.

As I pay attention to all of this election coverage, I am looking out the window to see that there is no sunlight. I has been raining and it is very dark outside. We are supposed to have snow falling by this evening. Several inches expected by morning. While I do realize that it is November and that this is not unusual for Utah, I am not sure that I am ready for the snow. I am a person who is always hot, so the cold doesn't bother me so much, but driving in it is very unnerving to me. I feel pretty confident myself, but when I have to go a certain speed and can't take it at my own comfortable pace, it is very scary for me.

Cold weather also brings an entire other issue. I have 2 teenagers and two other children. As I got to argue with my teens about wearing a coat or even a jacket this morning, the thought running through my mind was something like this, "I have 4-5 more months to deal with this?" Even Jake thinks he can wear his crocks in the snow. I sometimes think I should just let them be cold, but then they get sick and I end up paying for the doctor visits and antibiotics or medicines. Not to mention the guilt I would have. Seems like it is just a vicious circle. Oh well, I guess this is motherhood and I should just (as Dan would say) "embrace it", like the gray in my hair, and the fact that I am never going to be skinny or tall. I guess this is a healthy way to look at things.

OK, well, I hope that by my next post this election will be decided. I am going to find some hot chocolate and get the snow shovels ready :-)



Ranee said...

Christy, I think you are great! Your posts always crack me up, because you and I are very similar in our ability to see life for what it is and call it like we see it! I agree about the snow...I don't think I could ever drive in it, that's for sure! Keep on keepin' on!

Shansen said...

Hey! It looks like the roads are clear. That is a good thing. Another thing to worry about Kyler will be driving soon!!!! I do remember Dan at that age. Also half the time Dan don't wear shoes. That might have changes over the years. mom