Thursday, September 22, 2011


Just sitting here thinking. Since Dan started this second job I have had WAY too much time to just sit and think. Sometimes it's a good thing, but sometimes not so much. I am one who generally over thinks because I really want things to be perfect. This works well sometimes, but also occasionally gets me in trouble.  

Tonight I took Jake to pack meeting. Jake got his Webelos badge and I think I counted 6 other awards. I was pinning things for quite some time. I am pretty proud of him for doing this, especially since he did this during the last month and missed the first few weeks of scouts after football season started. He is now officially working on his arrow of light then as soon as he gets that he can start going with the 11 year old scouts. Jake really is a hard worker and pretty dedicated to do well in whatever he chooses to do. 

A few weeks ago Dan had a photo shoot with one of the models he has shot several times. I know her fairly well so I decided to go with him this time. Plus, it gives us a while out together. Anyway, after he finished with her he had a few frames left on his card, so he took a few of the two of us. I had not done anything with my hair and was wearing a shirt that was way too big, but I LOVE a few of them. Dan really is talented with a camera and I wish he could do more with this. I guess the time will come. He is a free spirit about many things and it sometimes kicks him in the rear, but everything he does has a good reason behind it, even if sometimes it seems crazy. Here are a few of the pics taken that day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this first one. Even though I don't look my best.

Dan had just shaved of that beard and I was enjoying his face. No, he wasn't making a fist, it's his remote to his camera ;-)

I'm so glad that he did this. As uncomfortable as I am in front of a camera and don't think I photograph well, it's nice to have a way to remember a few of these happy moments together. The last while has been pretty rough on us. This picture makes me happy. 

OK, so I can't think of anything else specific to say, so I'll leave it at this. I told you it was random...LOL



Anonymous said...

You two are just plain cute together!

BA said...

Great pictures. Gary's wife, Jennie, is a photographer. Check out

Family Blog said...

I love the pics. I hate pictures of myself, too. I'm always fatter than my image of myself in my brain (in my dreams I'm NEVER fat).

I love your attitude about this. Gotta grab those happy moments while you can. In a RS lesson once, the teacher compared experiences with our family members to a bank account. We make withdrawals. We make deposits. Some phases of our lives result in a lot of withdrawals. I'm glad you seized the moment to make a deposit.