Monday, August 10, 2009

Breathing In and Out

So, in the last week or so since my last post, we were able to get both of the boys into football, take care of the school fees, and get some groceries. Things at least give off the appearance of coming together. But as there is always an opposite and equal reaction to everything, so it is this time.
Kyler is down to the wire with getting ready for football season to start. They are doing 2 a days this week. While this may be great for Kyler as far as conditioning, this means that we have to make at least 4 trips to Mountain View every day. Now Dan is doing his best to take some of the pressure off of me, this is soooo tiring, especially when there is anything else, like a doctors appointment during the day. Kyler had to have a physical today in order to play. While this is also a good thing to do anyway, my word. There are so many questions and so many papers to fill out, that it was something like closing on our mortgage. Once all of that appointment was wrapped up, there came that lovely announcement, "You need some shots". To Kyler, you may as well say I'm pointing a gun at you head as tell him he's getting a shot. He is very phobic of needles. Not fun, but he's ok. He did fine. I also took Aubree with me, because she needed a shot, and when she got there, she needed 3 others as well. UGH, I don't think I could have had a worse pair for whining than the 2 of them together. Oh well, I won out and they are both just suffering now. Whatever!!
We got Jake registered for football on Saturday. He has been somewhat patiently waiting for this time to come when he could play tackle football. He played flag for two years and so this is the year. Now, not only will I have Kyler needing to be everywhere, so will Jake. (Breath Christy, breath!!) We did all the volleyball for the girls in the spring, so maybe I'll live.
So in the midst of registration for school, football all around, haircuts, shoes, new clothes, etc, my leg has started to revolt and pretty much stop working today. Now everyone wants to say that it is my stress level, I am more inclined to say that I have been doing WAY too much lately and simply can't keep going at that level anymore. I was discussing with Dan earlier that the stress comes after and because of the problem. It doesn't cause the problem, the problem causes it. On top of all of this, I have this hearing hanging over my head. I really am scared to death of this judge. I don't think I can take being told I'm faking it anymore. Obviously I'm not faking it. Too much is hinging on this. I have worked for years and paid my dues, I deserve this. I am tired of being denied what I've earned and honestly need, because of those who have scammed the system. It seems to effect all sides of my life.
Anyway, sorry for the whiner post. I am just trying to remind myself to breath in and out.


Family Blog said...

Well, at least some of the stuff you know will pass right away--at least until it's time to get ready for school next year.


And chocolate. We always need chocolate!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing I hate more than a day when I have to run three directions, be out in the car all day, and run everyone else's stuff all over the country! You have my sympathy!!

Hang in there! And make sure you get a treat of some sort for all the running you are doing!