I just thought that I would maybe clear up a few things.
In December, Dan came to me with the question of, "There is a job opening in St George and I wondered if I should apply for it?" I asked him why he would want to, and the response was something like, "For You". This I didn't understand in the beginning, in fact I pretty much rejected the idea. I said that there was no way we could afford to live there and that I didn't want to uproot our family.
As a few days went by, it nagged at me that I had rejected such an answer as "For You". I started looking on the Internet to see what kind of house we could get there and a few things like that. I have 2 pets that I am VERY attached to, and it is important to me that they remain with us. What I found is that it is very similar to here, only more places allow the pets. After thinking about it and researching for a day or two, I told Dan that I would go if he decided to.
What I found out is that the reasons he even thought of this in the first place was because the cold here is really starting to affect my health. I am in horrible pain in the cold and it has been so bad this winter that I have spent much of it in bed.
I don't know how to explain how much this has meant to me. I feel unworthy of the attention, but honored that he loves me enough to do whatever he needs to to make me feel better. Also, our kids have never been out of this county and they need to see a little bit of the world. It wasn't easy telling them of our decision, but I think they are actually getting a little excited now. Jake will miss his friend Max and some others, but is genuinely excited to go. The others have finally decided to embrace it. They have googled to see where they might attend school and some things like that. Dan and I went there last week and looked at some places. Things will come together soon.
The decision of August was completely Dan and I's decision. It is because it's a time that the kids won't have to end or start school in the middle of anything and gives us time to get things in order. Dan is still not sure when this transfer will happen, but we will deal with that if need be. At the worst, he would have to make a trip up here about every 2 weeks for a month or two.
We are not selling our house, as we feel we should keep it in case something doesn't work out. If any of you know someone who is looking for a 5 bedroom house to rent, let us know. We will miss many people here. We have come to love many just like family, but feel it is time for us to move on to a new adventure.
I know it is a while away, but we are getting a lot of questions and I thought I would clear up a few. We are not running from anything and it has been hard making the decision to leave family and friends, but be assured, we have not taken this lightly. We just feel it's best for our family at this time.
Thanks to all of you who continue to support our family.
A wonder mission!
11 years ago